Monday, September 30, 2019

The factory system took little account of the needs of workers – How far do you agree with this statement?

On the whole I agree with this statement. Most factory owners did not take into the account the needs of their workers. However, there were some exceptions, sir Titus salt for example. To begin with I shall look at the factory system in general and the appalling living and working conditions it imposed on its workers. In the factory towns houses were squeezed into the centres of towns or around the factories. Landlords crammed as many people into houses as they could. The water supply was another problem. Sewage and rubbish was left in the backyard, piled up in the street or thrown into open drains, which ran down the roads. Even where there were drains and sewage pipes, they normally ran into the local rivers – where people collected their water. Most factory owners built the house quickly which made them not safe and also built them closely together witch meant diseases, people having to share toilets which caused dirty water. People had to buy fresh water from carts and rich people. â€Å"Sixty thousand of the population had no running water except from wells and rain water† (From the commercial directory of Leeds – 1834) The dirty water caused lots of disease such as cholera. Cholera was a disease that arrived from the continent. It could kill a person very quickly. People only used to live to 19 on an average due to disease. The reason for this was that people worked at least 9 hours a day and only had four hours sleep. Most people were too tired to eat after they came home from work. Most people only got paid fifteen shillings, which is equal to fifteen pence per week. If they wanted to work over time they only got a further three pence. Many people went to live in the towns so that they could find work in the factories. Before this they had worked in their homes. Factory life was very different. Children were often beaten black and blue with a strap or kicked in the ribs. If you got injured. For example lost your finger in a machine you wouldn't have got any wages. Girls who had long hair often had their hair chopped off as a punishment for bad work. The power loom would of would of made a terrible noise this causing harm/ear acre for the factory workers most of the time they was nothing to stop the workers from breathing in the dust from the machines. † My eldest. The cog caught her finger and screwed it off below the knuckle† (Samuel Coulson, Father of two girls, giving evidence to the committee – 1832) The factory owners only paid their workers very little amount of money or even none at all when they were off due to sickness, they may have even lost there jobs and became paupers. Those people who were fit were made to go to the workhouse often families were separated. The food was poor and they had to where a uniform. There were 129 steam factories in Bradford and Bradford had become the world centre of the worsted industry. Worsted is a fine woollen cloth used to make women's dresses and men's suits. The town often attracted tens of thousands of migrants – mainly young men and women who wanted to work in the mills, they came from all over the British Isles. The town was unable to cope with them. No one took responsibility for a long time. There were terrible problems of drunkenness, violence and crime. The pollution of the atmosphere in Bradford was dreadful. When the magistrates tried to introduce the workhouse system to Bradford in 1836 they had to flee to Leeds as the mob tried to take control of the town. This map shows that there was only a little built up area in Bradford about 1800 But in 1879 they where much more houses built more closely together and more people were living in them. The rapid growth of population caused terrible problems because there were no rules or regulations about building houses. Here I include a source from the Bradford Observer June 5th 1845. Thompson's buildings – this locality is situate on an eminence at the foot of which runs a filthy beck, or stream, impregnated with the refuse of dye houses, manufactories, and dwellings contiguous to it. The streets are narrow and filthy, and the general arrangement of the dwellings unfavourable to health. The inhabitants uniformly complain of ill health. In 12 cases taken on rotation, the figures showed that the dwellings are inhabited by ninety-five persons, having only twenty four beds, or eight to one bedroom, the average size of which is seventeen feet by fifteen. Case 7: Family 9 ,rooms and beds 2, house workers 5. Case 8: Same numbers of family, beds, and rooms as last; house workers 4. Case 9: Family 6; rooms and beds 2, house workers 4. Case 10: Family 10, rooms and beds 2; house workers 5. Case 11: Family 7; rooms 2; bed 1; house workers 4. Case 12: Family 11; rooms 3 beds 2, house workers 5. Case 13: Family 8; rooms, beds, and workers 2; females, charcoal. Case 14: Family 12, rooms 2, beds 3, workers 4; females 2; coals. Case 15: Family 7; rooms and beds 2; workers 4; female 1. Case 16: Family 10; rooms 2, beds 3; workers 4. Case 18: Family 4; room and bed; workers 2; female 1. This meant that they would be more pollution; they would be more sewage in the streets, which would attract rats and other vermin. The pollution was so bad that the canal was called â€Å"STINK RIVER†. A survey in 1845 revealed that between 8 and 12 people lived in two rooms on average. This, along with poor sanitation, badly built (jerry built) houses caused the life expectation in Bradford to be the lowest in Yorkshire – only 20 years of age. They were exceptions though my first example is Robert Owen 1771 – 1858. Between the years 1815 to 1820 they was distress and a lot of unemployment. Parliaments were Luke warm about the new idea, but the setting up of villages of co-operation remained the basic aim of socialists and the co-operative movement up to the middle of the nineteenth centaury. One of the most dramatic events in Robert Owens life was the forming of the Grand National Consolidated Trades Union in 1834. Though the settlements were a failure, the co-operative movements inspired Robert Owen, spread rapidly through Britain between 1826 and 1835, when some two hundred and fifty Co-operative societies were formed. They set up stores for the sale of high quality goods at reasonable prices and formed producers' co-operatives to help the unemployed. It was the co-operative retail shop, which gave the movement its greatest success. Here I include the map of Robert Owens successful mill, New Lanark. Owen gave socialism all its basic ideas. He laid the foundations of the co-operative movement and left his mark on trade unionism. He was a pioneer in a factory reform and progressive education, and few men have played such a large part in social reform. Now I go on to look at my second example, Sir Titus Salt. Sir Titus Salt was born at Morley in 1803. He first worked for his father as a wool merchant. He later set up his own spinning plant in Bradford in 1834. By this time he had married Caroline Whitlon, The daughter of a rich Lincolnshire sheep farmer. He first carried out a social survey among his workers to see what size house they needed. It had not previously occurred to anyone that a worker with ten children needed more rooms in his house than a worker with one child. Sir Titus Salt chose a site adjoining the Leeds Liverpool canal, the River Aire and the newly made railway station, So he had ideal transport facilities for his trading. It was a massive mill, he chose innovative architects, and agreed to their suggestion of Italianite style. There was space, light and warmth in his new mill. The location was superb, in a green and pleasant are. The mill opened in 1853 on Titus Salts 50th birthday. He then created an entire village of houses, park, school, library, recreation and a learning institute and an outdoor sport facility. The streets were named after his children and family. He called this village â€Å"Saltaire†. Titus employed a large number of workers in combing, spinning and weaving his cloth. He had business connections throughout Europe and America and yet â€Å"For in his making his thousands he never forgot, the thousands who helped him to make them† Titus had simple but good education, and would have liked to become a doctor, but could not stand the sight of blood, so that ambition was quashed, although it did show that young Titus was aware of health and disease. His family were Congregationalists, and religion was very influential in their upbringing. On the whole I agree that the factory system took little account of the needs of its workers but there were exceptions, sir Titus Salt and Robert Owen were one of these exceptions.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Heart Failure Alert System Using Rfid and Gps

HEART FAILURE ALERT SYSTEM USING RFID AND GPS -AN EFFECTIVE TECHNOLOGY FOR CONTINOUS MONITORING OF PATIENTS [pic] PRESENTED BY: ODUGU SIVA SUBRAMANYAM D. SANDEEP REDDY III/IV B. Tech, ECE III/IV B. Tech, ECE [email  protected] com [email  protected] com Mobile no: 8977631621 Mobile no:9494050980 GUDLAVALLERU ENGINEERING COLLEGEGUDLAVALLERU CONTENTS †¢ ABSTRACT †¢ INTRODUCTION †¢ OVERVIEW OF RFID SYSTEM †¢ GENERAL MODEL FOR HEART FAILURE ALERT SYSTEM †¢ WORKING ALGORITHMS †¢ CONCLUSION ABSTRACT: Now-a-days the deaths caused due to the heart failure have been of major concern . The majority of the deaths caused by heart failures are due to the lack of medical assistance in time. This paper gives an insight of a new technology that relates directly to the exploding wireless marketplace.This technology is a whole new wireless and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) enabled frontier in which a victim’s actual location is integral for providing valuable medical services. The paper will be demonstrating for the first time ever the usage of wireless telecommunications systems and miniature sensor devices like RFID passive Tags , that are smaller than a grain of rice and equipped with a tiny antenna which will capture and wirelessly transmit a person's vital body-function data, such as pulse or body temperature , to an integrated ground station.In addition, the antenna will also receive information regarding the location of the individual from the GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) System. Both sets of data medical information and location will then be wirelessly transmitted to the ground station and made available to save lives by remotely monitoring the medical conditions of at-risk patients and providing emergency rescue units with the person's exact location. This paper gives a predicted general model for Heart Failure Alert System.It also discusses the Algorithm for converting the Analog pulse to Binary data in the tag a nd the Algorithm for alerting the Location & Tracking Station. It discusses in detail the various stages involved in tracking the exact location of the Victim using this technology INTRODUCTION: It is tough to declare convincingly what is the most important organ of our body. In fact every organ has its own importance contributing and coordinating superbly to keep the wonderful machine the human body functioning smoothly.And one of the primary organs which thebody cannot do without is the heart, 72 beats a minute or over a trillion in a lifetime. The pump house of our body pumping the blood to every corner of our body every moment, thus sending oxygen and nutrients to each and every cell. Over a period of time, the heart muscles go weak, the arteries get blocked and sometimes because of a shock a part of the heart stops functioning resulting in what is called a HEART ATTACK.Heart attack is a major cause of death and in today’s tension full world it has become very common. Pre sently there is no mechanism by which a device monitors a person’s heart 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and gives him instant protection in case of problem. Our primary focus is on people with a history of heart problem as they are more prone to death due to heart failure. In the 1970s, a group of scientists at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (LLL) realized that a handheld receiver stimulated by RF power could send back a coded radio signal.Such a system could be connected to a simple computer and used to control access to a secure facility This system ultimately became one of the first building entry systems based on the first commercial use of RFID. RFID or Radio Frequency identification is a technology that enables the tracking or identification of objects using IC based tags with an RF circuit and antenna, and RF readers that â€Å"read† and in some case modify the information stored in the IC memory. RFID:RFID is an automated data-capture technology that can be u sed to electronically identify , track, and store information about groups of products, individual items, or product components. The technology consists of three key pieces:1. RFID TAGS 2. RFID READERS 3. HOST COMPUTER RFID TAGS: RFID tags are small or miniaturized computer chips programmed with information about a product or with a number that corresponds to information that is stored in a database. The tags can be located inside or on the surface of the product, item, or packing material. pic] The RF tags could be divided in two major groups PASSIVE: where the power to energize the tag’s circuitry is draw from the reader generated field. and ACTIVE: in this case the tag has an internal power source, in general a battery that could be replaceable or not, in some case this feature limited the tag lifetime, but for some applications this is not important, or the tag is designed to live more than the typical time needed. |type |Frequency |Read | Tag source |Applications | | |ra nge |range |power | | |LF |

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Interpersonal and Effective Communication Essay

P.1 – Produce a guidance document explaining the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context for a new member of staff (using a hospital or care home setting) to include: Communication: text messaging, written, oral, signing, technology. Interpersonal interaction: language, non-verbal (choose 2 issues under each heading from unit specification page 3). Effective communication The role of effective communication is important in any work setting especially in any health care setting. Effective communication is when someone is getting a message across or explaining a topic fully with using the least information possible it is when information is transmitted accurately and simply such as in a hospital or care home information that any staff needs to know will be given to them in the easiest and simplest form possible. Communication although is not effective if the person you are giving the information to is not listening. Effective communication can be between colleagues or professionals and people using the services. There are many different forms of communication these include; †¢text messaging †¢written †¢Oral/verbal †¢ signing †¢ symbols †¢ touch †¢ music and drama †¢ arts and crafts †¢ Technology Text messaging This is done on an everyday basis this is done on devices such as mobile phones and computers. The messages are sent through a large ariel in space. Such as in a care home or nursery school the staff would sometimes keep in contact through text messages this is good for when they are out of work and can’t speak to each other. Written There are many different forms of written communication. Most of our communication is in written form. We have newspapers that tell us what’s happening round the world daily, also we have books about everything under the sun and we have magazines and leaflets that give information on health topics such as pregnancy, diabetes, care etc. Within in any health care setting this is important and comes into play in recording medical treatments or medicines, instructions on treatment and medication and also agreements between two people. Signing This is a way of communicating for those who are deaf they use their hands to speak. There is an official British sign language. This would come into health care frequently and in hospitals and care homes there should always be someone that knows this in case of a patient who is deaf. There are different contexts of communication these include; One to one this is one individual communicating to another individual such as in a conversation or email or instant messaging. This can occur on an everyday basis in any health care setting such as one nurse speaking to another nurse about a patient. Group This is when more than two people are communicating with each other this can range from 3 to any number such as a class lecture consisting of about 60 people. Group communication is effective as it sends the same information to the entire group at the same time. This can happen in a health care setting such as a care home when they have staff meetings. Formal This is when people use rules of language in either written or verbal communication such as in a letter from your doctor or either when you have an interview for a job. Formal communication comes into every health and social care setting such as when you’re in hospital and the doctor comes around to see you he would use formal language. Informal This is a more laid back type of communication such as if you were talking to your family or friends you don’t have to use rule of language and this can be present in some health and social care settings such as a social worker or key worker that you have known for perhaps a long time you would then be more comfortable with them and your language would be more laidback rather than formal. There are a few factors and skill that help in effective communication these include; †¢eye contact and visible mouth †¢body language †¢asking some questions †¢checking for understanding †¢silence †¢encouragement to continue †¢smiling face †¢summarising what has been said Interpersonal interaction Interpersonal interaction is the way in which we communicate and interact with each other. To have efficient communication skill in a health and social care setting is vital in helping building relationships with clients, to provide and receive information, understand and meet the needs of clients and to report on work done with clients. There are two type of interpersonal interaction these are language and non-verbal. Language Language consists of every day communication we use this on a day to day basis. There are many different types of language such as Spanish French German etc. and everybody has a first language even if they know a few our first language would be English. In a hospital there can be many people that come in on a day to day basis that don’t speak English but this can prove a barrier to communicating with that person. In most hospitals and care settings there would be a few nurses and doctors that would speak more than one language and if not an interpreter may have to be brought in. Dialect also comes under language this is the way certain people from certain places or cities speak such as wales would have a welsh dialect and England has an English dialect. This can happen in any care setting such as a care home when residents could be from different places and speak different ways the carers may not understand them as much but after a period of time they may get to know their dialect. Jargon would also come under language this is basically just a manner of talking that is very difficult to understand or even sometimes senseless. And slang would be another form of language this is very similar to dialect and is based on word people say that are not in the dictionary but a lot may know the meaning certain towns and places would have their own slang such as Derry city is well known for its slang. In a hospital if someone came in that was injured and they only talk in slang it can be very hard for the person treating them to understand although he person doing it may not even realise. We use speech everyday although some people cannot do this there are alternative ways for them to communicate with others such as picture cards for the deaf these would be cards that contain pictures on them of everyday things so that someone who cannot speak tell someone what they want or need or for someone who cannot hear so that the person communicating with them can tell them what they’re saying this would come into health care settings such as therapy like speech therapy there would be picture cards for children who cannot talk to communicate also there is electronic devices such as Light writers are small, robust, portable voice output communication aids (VOCA) specially designed to meet the particular and changing needs of people with speech loss resulting from a wide range of acquired, progressive and congenital conditions. Non-verbal Non-verbal is the way in which we interact and communicate with each other without speaking this can be in many different ways and we can do this without even knowing. These include posture that can portray to someone if you are interested of not if someone is talking to you and you’re sitting slouched and sloppy they may believe you’re not interested in what you’re saying. Facial expression can tell a person a lot such as if someone tells you something that is very surprising you would open your mouth and maybe gasp this shows the person that you are shocked without having to speak there are a number of different facial expressions for many different feelings such as happy sad angry scared etc. Reflective listening is another form such as if someone was telling you something and you are listening intensively then they know that you have got the message and that you are interested without having to ask you. Proximities is different things people need when communicating with someone such as your own personal space The amount of distance we need and the amount of space we perceive as belonging to us is influenced by a number of factors including social norms, situational factors, personality characteristics and level of familiarity. For example, the amount of personal space needed when having a casual conversation with another person usually varies between 18 inches to four feet. All these non-verbal methods communication are used in any health and social care settings on an everyday basis such as I a hospital when a consultant has to talk to someone they would use their non-verbal communication along with verbal by having good posture when talking to the person having a low voice if giving the person bad news and would also use facial expressions when the patient is talking to them to maybe let them know they understand what they’re saying.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Doubt script Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Doubt script - Assignment Example nce, the innocent young nun, sister James is too trusting and easily convinced while sister Aloysius is quite her opposite, calculating and always giving a wide room to doubts about people. Such use of attributes keep readers weighing the feelings and arguments of the characters and therefore the narration can be said to be very engaging. 3. The inciting incident is found on page 29 wherein sister James suspiciously checks on Miller’s locker: â€Å"She goes to the locker. She opens it, a boy’s white T-shirt. She returns it to the locker puzzled.† 5. The rising action starts from the curiosity of sister James to her telling about it to the principal which eventually raised the red flag in the older nun’s mind that led her to investigate further on the circumstances. This leads to the confrontations between the people, gaining momentum as the priest affronts his accuser. 6. The climax is the scene when father Flynn comes up against sister Aloysius and reminds her of responsibilities to which the nun replies, â€Å"I will step outside the church if that’s what needs to be done, till the door should shut behind me! I will do what needs to be done, though I’m damned to Hell!† 8. The falling action starts from the time the priest sits on the principal’s chair, seemingly meditating on what transpired. Then, he announces to the congregation that he is leaving against his will to follow where the wind blows. 9. The resolution of the story clarifies that the principal did not actually call the priest’s former parish but that lie led to his resignation which to sister Aloysius, is his way of admitting his guilt. 10. If I were to adapt the play to a film, I would have made the principal really call the priest’s former parish and investigate further on him. Sure, there are protocols and limitations to what a nun can do but if only to make things right, the words the nun uttered should be put into action rather than just have them left as pure threats.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

TEXTBOOK CJ2012 FAGIN-Which philosophy of punishment do you believe in Essay

TEXTBOOK CJ2012 FAGIN-Which philosophy of punishment do you believe in and why - Essay Example 285). The theory of incapacitation, on the other hand, is founded on the philosophy that criminal circumstances must be negated so that the crime will not occur again while deterrence theory contends that the punishment awarded to an offender should be â€Å"sufficient to prevent future instances† of such crimes (285). Rehabilitation theory attempts to provide the offender a positive environment and creating awareness whereas restoration theory focuses on a restoring process by bringing the stakeholders together, with the offender taking responsibility for the offence and providing restitution to the victim. I believe restoration is the best approach because while refuting the effectiveness of other theories, it strives to bring positive outcomes for both the victim as well as the perpetrator. Punishments should rather address the crime than the criminal, especially in the context that an offender commits a crime not merely based on the faculty of free will. Several factors, such as biological, psychological and social influences contribute to criminal behavior in people. Therefore, punishments need to be focused on these causative elements rather than on the person who commits a crime. The approaches of vengeance and deterrence are found on the concept of punishing the perpetrator and not on eliminating the tendency to commit crimes. Thus, these may not yield any positive outcomes either for the person who commits the crime or the one who falls prey to it. Similarly, the philosophy of incapacitation also will not preempt a criminal from committing a crime, when the opportunity ripens. The concept of rehabilitation, focuses on providing positive environment for the criminal, and can be understood as a better approach than the other three. However, it does not guarantee a transformation of the offenders because they may embark on criminal behavior when the environment changes. Besides, it does not take into account the victim in any manner. On the other

Film Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Film Evaluation - Essay Example e tortured and abducted women, and quest of certain individuals, who benevolently wish to put an end to such heinous practice so that the world can be a better place to live. Casting of the film does not include giant names from the Hollywood film industry, however, collaborative and sincere acting efforts by Kevin Kline, Cesar Ramos, Paulina Gaità ¡n, and Alicja Bachleda-Curus have attempted to provide a realist impression of the horror of the situation that looms heavy over women even in the modern context of human civilization. This film speaks of a world, where women are subjects of sensual pleasure and financial benefit; where a mother does not hesitate to sell her innocent daughter to satisfy her monetary requirements; where believers of God are indulged in the business of human trafficking; where moral corruption is a regular and normal practice. The name of the film, Trade immediately gives a symbolic impression that every aspect of human life has become commoditized and the essential virtues, such as tenderness, emotion, humanity, and valuing relationship have been defeated in comparison to such commoditization. Despite the fact that in the end of the film, the protagonists have received the chance to get back to their dear ones, but the situation of crisis retains and it has also been made clear through the film that unless immediate actions are taken and human beings do not fight against the present situation, the process of denying human entity will continue and they will increasingly remain as the subjects of trade. Story: Story of the film revolves around lives and experiences of Adriana and Jorge, who are brother and sister in their relation. Residing in the Mexico City, while Jorge has become quite a ruffian due to his close association with wrong friends, on the other, he is very much caring towards his sister and loves her truly. However, in the very beginning of the film, it has been shown that the business of human trafficking for sexual slavery

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Case Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Case Analysis - Research Paper Example It transports more passengers, and it is also offers more regular schedule for domestic flights compared to its competitors. It offers low fares than any other airline because of its low-operating expenses. Chris Lauer accounts â€Å"Southwest Airlines is the largest low-fare carrier in the world† (1). Southwest’s also has a good customer service, a dedicated staff and personnel, and an exceptional management team that keeps on making an excellent pricing and marketing plan for the company. One of Southwest’s successful strategies is serving less congested airports that helped minimize total travel time for passengers, and this allowed the company to avoid paying the higher landing fees and terminal gate costs. Southwest is routinely improving its information system for faster flow of information in order to enhance the airlines function, cut costs, and improve its customer service On account of Southwest’s aim to carry out its low-fare strategy continually, the company operated only one type of aircraft. Along with this, Southwest flight attendants were responsible for cleaning up trash left by passengers and getting the plane presentable for the next flight while rival carriers had cleaning crews. The airline also did not have a first-class section on any of its planes. Also, passengers with checked baggage who were connecting to other carriers in order to reach their destinations were not offered baggage transfer services. Southwest also has a tarnished reputation regarding the management’s failure to conduct the required inspections for fuselage fatigue cracking. Southwest’s has growth opportunities by having a first-class section on its planes and by serving more domestic flights and possibly international flights. The airline should also offer a baggage transfer services to passengers who have connecting flights with other carriers in order to improve its customer service.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Migraine Pain Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Migraine Pain - Research Paper Example Migraine is distinguished from normal or tension headache on the basis of factors or reasons behind its generation. It is important to understand that migraine is not typical fluctuation in blood pressure or increased intracranial pressure. Migraine attacks may contribute to neurosis, one-time or permanent. It effects the neuroendocrine system (including adrenal and thyroid gland), which is responsible for the generation of neuroses in the body. The constant production of stress hormones, including adrenaline leads to vasoconstriction. It is not possible to clearly identify the specific cause behind the emergence and development of migraine. There have been cases in which it is found that the migraine is genetically transferred to people. However, there are peculiar reasons for migraine in every case (Thakar, Anjaneyulu, and Deka, 2001). Migraine patient also suffers from photophobia and phonophobia (light and zvukoboyazn). Bright lights and any sharp sound can cause excruciating throbbing headache. There is increased irritability and sudden mood swings. The sharp smell can also act as irritants, causing nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of orientation in space. The patient may experience severe pain not only in the head, but also in neck, eyes, and upper jaw (Cutrer, ODonnell, and Sanchez, 2000). Before diagnosing the patient with migraine pain it is important to evaluate the history of the patients clinical and evolutionary process, ruling out diseases that can mask the symptoms of migraine. For this purpose physicians can use the brain scan through Cranial CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (Thakar, Anjaneyulu, and Deka,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Ethical Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Ethical Dilemma - Essay Example It is indisputable that marijuana smoking has many ill effects not only to the smoker but also to the community surrounding a smoker. Consequently, while confronted with such a dilemma, there is the need to engage in ethical decision making to make the choice that best fits a person. The theories of normative ethics are superior tools of decision making when an ethical dilemma arises. The theories of Utilitarianism and the deontological ethics have been highly regarded in the philosophy of decision making, especially when individuals seek to choose between right and wrong actions in the society. While the Utilitarianism theories express that human beings will make a choice depending on the end effects, the deontological theory proposes that human beings have primary â€Å"duties† that they have to fulfill in every decision that they make. The objective of this paper is to critically apply normative theories in solving the ethical dilemmas that come along with smoking marijuana . In this case, smoking marijuana is an ethical issue that is surrounded by both legal and moral issues that can only be solved through critical decision making techniques. ... Currently, the drug has found application in treatment of cancer patients, as an anti-pain drug to reduce headaches, improving appetite among HIV patients and with treatment of the side effects of chemotherapy. However, in the field of medicine this drug is administered in small portions as the medical experts recognize the effects that come along with the use of the drug in large quantities (Jabelle, 2013). From this perspective, it is indisputable that this drug has many positive effects that are beneficial to the human race. On the other hand, the use this drug in the social circles has generated a lot of heat in its use and abuse in the social circles. The government in many states has waged war against marijuana use and laws have been enacted to prohibit its consumption in the society. While many states such as the United States have opposed any move to legalize this substance, other nations such as Jamaica have legalized its use in the public (Jabelle, 2013). Of more concern is the use of this drug as a means to get high in the entertainment circles in the society. The side effects of this drug in its excessive use are the risk of loss of short term memory and development of diseases of the nervous system (Souryal, 2010). Consequently, the proponents of its illegalization have proposed that this drug has long term consequences on the public and only regard its use under the prescription of a medical expert. Smoking marijuana as an ethical issue has both legal and moral consequences that come along with it. In the moral perspective, it is wrong since its abuse in the long term causes the user to suffer from diseases of the heart and the nervous system. In addition, the users of this drug are specific social groups that exist in this

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Blind and Vision Impairment Essay Example for Free

Blind and Vision Impairment Essay Millions of Americans have the tendency to confuse being vision impaired as being blind but in all actuality they are different. This summary will break down the different components of blindness and vision impaired highlighting the components of the two. Blindness: When a person is legally blind their visual acuity is 20/200 or worse in the better eye with corrective lenses (20/200 means that a person at 20 feet from an eye chart can see what a person with normal vision could see at 200 feet). Visual field restriction to 20 degrees or less (tunnel vision) in the better is another component to blindness. An individual who suffers from advanced glaucoma, retinal degenerations, and neurologic disorders usually qualify under this criterion. Legal blindness is very common in older people because eyesight tends to worsen with time and age. Approximately 135 out of every 1,000 people over the age of 65 are considered legally blind. About 1. 3 million Americans fall into this category. Only about 10% of legally blind people read Braille, and a much smaller percentage use white canes or guide dogs. Vision Impairment: Visual Impairment or Vision Impairment is vision loss that constitutes a significant limitation of visual capability resulting from disease, trauma, or a congenital or degenerative condition that cannot be corrected by conventional means, including refractive correction, medication, or surgery. Partially sighted indicates some type of visual problem, with a need of a person to receive special education in some cases. Low vision generally refers to a severe visual impairment, not necessarily limited to distance vision. Low vision applies to all individuals with sight who are unable to read the newspaper at a normal viewing distance, even with the aid of eyeglasses or contact lenses. They use a combination of vision and other senses to learn, although they may require adaptations in lighting or the size of print, and sometimes, Braille. Common phrases used with vision impairment is near-sighted or short-sighted, the correct term is Myopic which is unable to see distant objects clearly. Another common phrases used with vision impairment is far-sighted or long-sighted; the correct term is Hyperopic which is unable to see close objects clearly.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Fashion and Design: History of 1940s to 1950s

Fashion and Design: History of 1940s to 1950s Introduction Fashion is a heating issue in daily life, which is close to nearly every aspect of society. As the expansion of globalisation, fashion companies are seeking to more opportunities in international market by establishing subsidiaries all over the world. According to Helen (1965), fashion design is using dedicated art in clothing and accessories to establish a unique style. In todays fashion field, Italy is considered in the leading place for its elegant and dedicated style. However, France and Japan are also produce excellent designers who have gained international reputation in fashion design and establish famous brands. The history of fashion design could be dated back to 19th century with Charles Frederick Worth to sew label into the garments, and only clothing created after 1858 could be considered as fashion design1. During that historical period, most fashion designers are self-employed in a family-based clothing shop and provide design service to individual customer, which are quite different from todays specialty stores or high-fashion department stores. During the whole 20th century, fashion design had gradually been developed systematically and has become an important industry in society. It is therefore useful for analyzing the fashion history of 20th as a guide for the new centurys development. This essay will pick up specific decade between 1940 and 1950 as the research target. Background information of 20th century fashion design The development of fashion design in 20th century has experienced a unique process. The first decade of the century was a period to pursue new element into the design (Baudot, 1999). The emergence of new female generation and solid trend in arts had stimulated fashion design to combine new elements. The Europe trend was still focused on elegance and grace, while U.S trend was developed to natural style, provided a step from the dedicated style of 19th century. Between1910-1919, there was a great change in fashion design influence by Deco arts. The distinct character of Deco arts was the use of straight and folded line. It brought a boyish style in the fashion design to adopt a concision style and add some eastern elements. During next decade, the fashion design added girlish style to the clothes and continue to keep the youth elements in the design. Chanels style created by combination of coat, skirt and dress privailed and expanded until nowadays. Another characteristics is the atte ntion on sport clothes design. There is also fashion design trend in China with the amend of traditional cheong-sam. 1930-1939 was an important decade for the fashion design. In reaction to the economic crisis, the patch-up skirts which represented saving appeared. Then a long skirt lap prevailed until the Second World War. The broken of war stimulated a trend of nostalgic new Victorian style. Another important contribution of this decade is the establishment of modern fashion design criteria, combining the elements of elegance, beauty and taste to emphasize the corresponding of clothes and circumstances. The next decade, also the target period in the research, is 1940-1949. The luxurious style during the war time was restricted by law and moral codes. Practicality had become a criteria for fashion design. The pursue of function made the women clothes be input more male elements by the prevail of army clothes and frocks. The war time also provided America with the chance of developi ng its own fashion design instead of totally relying on Europe. Aims of the research Nowadays, fashion designers create their original work to express their unique taste and style. However, they also produce works to follow the existing fashion trends. They are hired by mass market manufacturers to create clothes for men, women and children. The most successful designer brands today are those brands with long history, such as Chanel, Christian Dior and Louis Vuitton. It took them years to establish and develop their positions as fashion icons. In regard to the historical context, 1900-1950 is a very important revolution in fashion history, manufactures started more creative on the design of their clothes. Fashion design corporations have to produce their own brand with high quality and reputation to survive and compete in the promising market. To define and understand what constitutes fashion design and how fashion design has emerged in todays time as place the fashion design in certain imperative time periods is important way to understand fashion industry. The aim of this research is to present fashion design in the decades of 1940-1950 to explore the relationship between fashion design and a series of factors, such as arts, health beauty, science technology, and so on. Fashion Design and Its Related Factors Arts Before 20th century, fashion design is only a passive reflection of arts. When came to 20th century, especially the decade between 1940 and 1950, fashion designers were willing to cooperative with arts. They combined their design with major arts genre. Schiaparells desk clothes and laniate clothes are representation of super-realism (Buxhaum, 1999). During this period, the popular music trend was bop and big band. In the dance area, jive, swing and foxtrot was in the heating position. All the trends in arts have influenced fashion design deeply. All this new ideas brought fashion market into a new generation. At this time, enterprise were normally operation by designers them or family business. Politics and current events The most influential event during this period is the Second World War. War as an important factor to change the history of human being, as well as the development of fashion design. During the decade after the Second World War, fashion design had a great transformation. Womens fashion of the beginning of the decade was masculine, and by the end of the decade2 it changed to extremely feminine. During the war time, the fashion design style was changed from elegance, dedicated to concision, while it was emphasized on feminine again after the war. Moreover, the pursue of practical function during the war time enabled the fashion designer to add more male elements in designing female clothes, some even used male manner into women design (Marsha, 1993). The strictly restriction on dressing was also carried out in several countries, for example, there was a point system in Britain to restrict the dressing style of women, set out a series of rules to lead womens dressing way (Janet, 1977). T his kind of restriction not only put on female dressing, but also guided males way of dressing. Males uniform style was most affected part such as utility suit of Britain and victory suit of America (Boucher, 1987). The whole decade was dominated by the wartime practical function and the after-war feminine style. Health sport After 1945 a series of revolutionary changes took place in sports clothe. Firstly, pullover dresses, underwear and gym tops often used new range of synthetic fibres which suited in the early days of production to knitted fabrics. During the fifties, some earlier inventions and new use of synthetic fibres particularly nylon combined with practical techniques developed in military clothing were introduced into civilian production. For example, hoods that were concealed in neck collars; pockets in jacket fronts which were designed to store snack foods; gloves with zip pockets for ski passes; elastic inserts in the sides of ski pants and stirrup straps underfoot made for pull on, pull off clothes. These features are expected by us automatically today. In addition, nylon running shorts and cotton vests3 were adopted by athletes. Zip up windcheaters and anoraks were taken onto the athletics and sports field, though trouser bottoms often appeared to be odd, they helped to keep off the chill . Stretch garments became quite popular by the mid sixties; and one attractive advantage was the comfort factor of being able to move with a garment. Hair beauty In this decade the most popular hair styles is tresses curled and rolled longer. The movie stars of that time such as Veronica Lake and Lauren Bacall gave the best demonstration of the long curling styles. Though putting your hair up into compact elegant up-dos was the standard style for weddings and proms, this kind of occasions became rarer and rarer. World War II heavily influenced the beauty industry in this decade. The fashion, cosmetics used and beauty standards were affected by the mood of sad and depression. As Ingrid Bergman showed in the 1942 movie Casablanca, a typical beauty style should try to demonstrate serious, glamorous in a very subdued, sophisticated way4. A wholesome look was much more acceptable than showy. The mood for excess and flamboyancy was considered as inadequate, both because the effects of the Depression still were influencing peoples life, and because a lot of American young men were sending to European battlefields to fight and die. Celebrity The fashion icon in this period was Rita Hayworth. The Great American Love Goddess was born in Brooklyn, New York. She represented the most fashionable style of 1940s in the movies of The Strawberry Blonde (1941), and Blood and Sand (1941). The musicals You`ll Never Get Rich (1941) and You Were Never Lovelier (1942), both with Fred Astaire, My Gal Sal (1942), with Victor Mature, and Cover Girl (1944), with Gene Kelly, made her a musical star and a favourite pinup girl of American servicemen during WWII (Stach, 1987). Science technology The development of science and technology enable fashion design develops from hand-made family workshop to the machinery production. The importance of customer design began to be recognised. As the improvement of manufacture technology, the ready-to-wear clothes were considered to be the major issue during this period. The science of human body stimulates the establishment of comprehensive size system for clothes. The technology also made the manufacturing of clothes divided into three categories: Haute Couture clothes, senior ready-to-wear clothes and ordinary ready-to-wear clothes. Meanwhile, the expansion of materials scope provided sufficient basis for designers to express their unique style in their masterpieces. Although the battle broke out over the world, new products came out at the same time. Nylons were sold to the public in 1940 when the battle of Britain started. In the next year, Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, and the jeep was invented in the same year. In 1942, when the battle of Midway and the battle of Stalingrad broke out, T-shirt was introduced to the public. Moreover, the advancement of social science also played great role in the fashion design within the period. People established positive attitudes towards beauty as well as fashion design and were tolerance on prevailed trends, which enabled some subculture trend become popular in the mainstream of the society. Conclusion 1940-1950 was an important period in fashion design due to the influence of World War II. Affected by the war, many fashion corporations closed such as Maision Vionnet and Maison Chanel, while others relocated in New York (Turner, 1958). Pariss leading place was still continued although Germany was taking half of French manufacturing and was considering relocate the original French haute couture to Berlin. The faith of fashion design was established and developed quickly (Peacock, 1998). Its enomous change was driven by several factors include arts, political events, hair beauty, science technology, etc. Conduct research on this specific decade is not simply dating back to the history, it is also provides sufficient information for the development of fashion design in the new century. References: Books: Baudot, F. (1999) A Century of Fashion. London: Thames Hudson Ltd. Boucher, F. (1987) A History of Costume in West , London: Thames Hudson Ltd. Buxhaum, G. (1999) Icons of Fashion, the 20th century. NY: Verleg. Helen, B. (1965). The Theory of Fashion Design, New York: John Wiley and Sons. Janet, A. (1977). Patterns of Fashion 2: Englishwomens Dresses and Their Construction c. 1860-1940, Wace 1966, Macmillan 1972. Revised metric edition, Drama Books. James, L. (1979). The Concise History of Costume and Fashion, Abrams. Marsha, H. (1993). The Way We Wore: Styles of the 1930s and 40s and Our World Since Then, Fallbrook Pub. Ltd. Peacock, J. (1998) Fashion Sourcebooks, the 1940s. London: Thames Hudson Ltd. Stach, L. (1987). Hollywood and Seventh Avenue: The Impact of Historical Films on Fashion, in Hollywood and History: Costume Design in Film, Los Angeles County Turner, W. (1958). The Mode in Fashion, 1942; 2nd expanded edition New York: Scribners. Websites:

Friday, September 20, 2019

Smart Homes Tries To Address Information

Smart Homes Tries To Address Information The present assignment on Smart homes tries to address every important aspect of new generation automated homes. The assignment initially focuses on what are these smart homes, and then the work progresses to put in brief detail the benefits of smart homes. Common technologies that are involved in the devices and systems that support smart homes are explained. Detailed explanation of prominent, significant tasks and targets which the smart homes are supposed to achieve are discussed. Finally a brief note on the future prospects of the concept and the currently available important smart home solutions in the market is given. Introduction: Advancements in the information and Communication Technology (ICT) front have enabled among many things, special research and development in the concept of safe and comfort living at homes. The concept of smart homes relates to fully automated homes where the residents can control every aspect and item of home even staying long away from it. This concept of safe living is gaining prominence because of many causes, some being, secured independent living of the elderly at homes, need for making homes burglar proof, turning homes energy efficient, remote operability of electronic equipments at home and safe up-keeping of infants and children alone at home. For the purpose of working on this assignment, I referred to many online sources like articles, presentations, websites, encyclopaedias etc. What are smart homes? Smart homes are future proof homes. Smart homes are intelligent homes which are run by fully automated devices and technologies. These homes which make use of various highly advanced technologies increase the quality of living immensely. An industry definition of Smart home is, a smart home is a home where the systems (security, lighting, sensors, heating and air-conditioning, audio-video etc.) are interconnected to allow the automatic or remote control of the home to save energy, improve comfort, safety and or convenience for the homeowner. A smart home enhances the value of a home (SMARTHOME, 2010a). Especially, families whose members need special round the clock care and assistance, where people stay away from home for long for career purposes, when some members of family are on intensive and sensitive medication, when elders of the family live in isolation at home all alone and for many more such security and service purposes, people are increasingly resorting to making their domestic environments fully automated. Though the level of automation varies based on needs and money spending capacity, every home where significant part of domestic space is controlled and run by customised technology gadgets can be referred to as a Smart home. When ones chances staying at home all the time are limited, and want to make some necessary things happen in their absence, to make sure that the security of the home is guarded uncompromisingly, to ensure that the available resources are put to optimum use, to make things happen in their normal course even in ones absence, to take maximum care of elderly people and disabled family members, one can deploy suitable and selected active technologies in the forms of remotely accessible electronic gadgets, robots etc to ensure that all such needs are best served. Depending on the need spectrum and the monetary strength, these days, increasing number of families are showing interest in making their domestic environments automated, served and guarded by latest electronic systems and pre-programmed and self maintainable equipments. With automated homes owners can have peace of mind, even in their prolonged, compulsive absence from their homes and can make happen every thing that their normal presence would definitely do, ranging from watering the garden to giving a definite quantity of pesticide spray to infected plants. Benefits of smart homes: Important advantages or benefits of smart homes are safety, comfort and convenience. The joy of being able to control home lighting systems, room temperatures, water storage, surveillance systems, garden sprinkler and much more such handy options is very unique. Smart homes let the owners to have many automated opportunities of independent living. Various home automation equipment and gadgets facilitate easy and remote management of electronic devices at home like, managing illumination levels of lighting systems depending on the day light levels, can help see what is happening in ones absence with the help of closed circuit cameras, can schedule the television viewing times of children, can operate equipment in kitchen like coffee maker, microwave ovens, dish washers and the like, can view favourite movies from any TV in any room, can maintain cleanliness of domestic environments with remote operable or programmed robots and many more such functions that ease living and bring in safe comfort (Discovery Communications Inc., n.d.). In smart homes all the electronic devices can be put under user programmed, single point control. Primary purpose of most of such equipment is to provide safe domestic environment. They make homes intrusion proof and can send warning messages to the owners in case of any unforeseen emergency and can even send similar signals to police or fire fighter services. With special equipment like thermostats users can remotely operate and control functioning of heating and cooling systems like air conditioners to save energy when they are not used. Important benefit of smart home is reliable care of elders at home. When we stay away from home leaving back our beloved elders, with the help of programmed robots and remote controlled cameras we can ensure that they take their medicines in time and monitor their health and activity status (eHow, Inc., 2010). Further, these days almost every one is having internet at their living places. By placing all the computers in the home well connected in a wireless network and configuring to a WiFi system, we can move around the home with our laptops while staying perfectly connected to internet. Thus Smart homes house well connected and networked devices that operate in full preset rhythm and in perfect coordination to serve every special need of owners. Thus the present generation homes are turning to be intelligent homes. Technologies involved: The whole concept of Smart homes depends on the advanced technologies and the modern smart equipment that are employed in the home. There are wide spectrum of such technological services and automated devices especially designed and developed for this purpose. To better study their functionality, according to (Dewsbury, Taylor Edge, 2001), all the services provided by various high end devices and technologies that help build a smart home can be categorised as: Assistive Technologies Adaptive Technologies Inclusive Technologies Medical Technologies Assistive technologies are that category of scientific systems and electronic devices, which enable the users to execute such tasks at home which otherwise they would not be able to do because of their absence from home. These are the devices which can be made to function in a specific way and can be controlled remotely also. Adaptive technologies are the ones which can be custom programmed to suit user specific functional requirements. Thus they are the devices that come with modifiable functionality. Inclusive devices are also called as Design for all systems that come with capability do multiple tasks depending on the user needs and demands. Finally, medical devices are a wide range of equipments that come with huge functional spectrum of services of medical assistance. They range from medical diagnostic devices, sterilisation units, health monitoring systems, medication dosage checkers and emergency service equipment. Tasks: Elder care: Important requirement of present families is that, as all the other members go to their work place, the elderly people are left at home all alone. The younger ones though go out; they want to serve every need of their beloved parents and grand parents at home. For this the smart home technologies offer a lot of options for their safety and security. They range from many emergency assistance systems, security equipment, burglar alarms, pre-programmed timers to remind them to take medicines in time, walking assistant robots, emergency calling facility to contact doctors, police or fire fighters, closed circuit TV cameras, remote operable micro wave ovens, automated room heating or cooling systems to maintain temperature that makes them feel comfort etc. Primary purpose of these equipments and technologies is to ensure safety and convenience when they are alone at home (Smart House Services for Elderly and Disabled People, 2008). Some examples are, smart shirts which instantaneously an d at regular intervals measure body temperature, cardiac functioning etc. Some other devices monitor blood sugar levels. The new generation elderly care equipment are designed to have in them artificial intelligence features. A recent invention by a scientific research group invented a robot pet cat Near Me. The speciality of this is that it perfectly resembles a living pet and it is programmed to behave in a very warm amicable way and also beeps at regular intervals for medicine intake. New in this is that with its chubby, sweet movements it gives the users a feel of lively togetherness. This soothing feeling spreads good psychological and emotional support which can reduce their lonely feeling. Infant and Child care: When all the elders in the home are job holders and have to leave their loved little ones at home, the present smart home technologies and devices which are available can assure the parents safety at home. With coordinated functioning of closed circuit TV cameras, remotely operable toys, security covers and safety alarms, controlled TV viewing, parental controls on internet browsing etc are the presently obtainable child care solutions for smart homes. Further, some companies are developing play robots, which can amuse children while keeping close watch on their activities and needs. Pets: When families raise multiple pets, the owners absence is a problem. To answer this smart homes these days are housing technologies and devices that help fulfil all pet needs. Some solutions focus on timely arrangement of food and fresh water stored in highly hygienic conditions. Some pest repellent devices help make up a fly and mosquito free domestic environs. Other devices for arranging timely food and drinking water are pet auto feeders, self maintaining water bowls and heated hoses for water supply in harsh winters (SMARTHOME, 2010b). Energy savers: Smart homes need to be energy efficient. Most of the energy saving smart home gadgets makes use of solar power to feed lamps. There can be wide number of varieties of such devices that serve different purposes in smart home and their source of energy is solar heat. Some examples of such products are pool water purifiers, wireless room sensors, intruder motion sensors, solar powered flood lights, solar timers, light sensors, electrified fencing etc. Based on the power saving needs and level of affordability users can choose appropriate ones. Some solar powered devices help watering gardens and control sprinkler functioning based on video feeds from closed circuit TV cameras installed at different parts inside and outside of home surroundings. Access Control mechanisms: These are the primary requirements of any smart home. Security maintenance is a big challenge. The presently available solutions are offering solutions to nearly every safety need of house holds. The prime target of all these devices and smart technologies is to make home burglar and intruder proof. These systems need to make homes security breach proof. For this the available solutions range from, motion or occupancy sensors, wirelessly operable alarm systems, alert message generators during emergencies, door lock control and status sensors, window pane trackers, temperature, smoke and fire monitoring and sensing systems, washing machine water valve maintenance kit, Carbon Monoxide, Methane, LPG leakage sensors, automatic alert generation systems, garage shutter alerts, humidity alerts etc. Further, cash safes in the homes need to be guarded with very high strength. For this robber proof safes are available in numerous varieties depending on money. Further, the main gate and door st atus recorders, CCTV cameras arranged at different places would help monitor security status of home while staying far away form home also. Coordinated functioning of these surveillance systems help best maintain and guard security of home. Kitchen: Another important area where the home automation levels are best reflected is the kitchen. The supportive tools of smart home in kitchen include remote controlled micro wave ovens, coffee makers, wirelessly controllable dish washers, dangerous gas leakage sensors, automatic LPG cylinder operability, wirelessly controlling the power supply to kitchen etc. Some devices automatically switch off power supply to kitchen once cooking is over and motion sensors detect no movements there (Spacely Marketing Group, 2010). This helps minimise electric and gas hazards of kitchen. Lighting technologies: Technical devices like light dimmers, lighting appliance controller equipments help misguide thieves and intruders. These devices control the functioning of lights in the home to give an impression to the outside gazer that owners are present in the home. This helps keeping them away. Some shadow sensors arranged of window panes generate alarms and alert messages, if any suspected shadow falls on window glass panes. Further electric fences give protection from thieves and burglars. New entrants in this area of security appliances are robotic surveillance services, where pre programmed, and guard robots of different forms continue surveillance in all parts of the home and its surroundings. They are equipped with high resolution cameras and emergency response capabilities. Some times users may wish to use perimeters also. The list of smart home technologies presently available cannot be put in any single list. The most prominent and important services and common device functionalities are discussed here. But depending on the safety security needs and other special requirements users can choose from a wide spectrum of smart home solutions. Available solutions: Important service and technology provider of this generation smart homes is briefly discussed here. Smart Home Home Automation Superstore has a very big smart home services and devices list. Their product range includes, intercoms and phones, remote controlled devices, solar energy savers, shadow sensors, lighting dimmers related appliance control, door locking systems, thermostats temperature maintenance systems, timers alarm generators, pet maintenance equipment and many more like these (SMARTHOME, 2010c). Future of the concept: Future of the smart home concept is very bright. The future home security systems, that are under different development and research stages are focussing on adding artificial intelligence to the performance and functioning of these electronic and technical gadgets. The growing threats to home privacy and secured living, people are increasingly resorting to smart home solutions. With more advanced research in this regard the future security systems may be far more modern and strongly reliable. A normally accepted thing is that the future smart home systems largely rely on humanoid robots that are artificially intelligent and guarantee a highly secured and convenient living at home. Conclusion: The concept of smart homes is widely becoming popular with general public with moderate spending capacity. The market is also replete with wide variety of options to build and maintain smart homes. The presently available products and technical services are providing user friendly interfaces at the same time strong security for all aspects of home living. Given the current situation and the projected future of this dynamic concept, one can be sure that in near future theft and burglar proof homes and cities are on the anvil.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Textual Analysis of Epic of Gilgamesh and Book of Genesis of the Holy B

A Textual Analysis of Genesis and the Epic of Gilgamesh The stories of the floods found in both Gilgamesh and Genesis contain many striking similarities that are inevitably beyond mere coincidence. One could surmise that both of these stories might have a basis in common historical occurrence. However, despite the fact that both of these works discuss a common topic, the portrayal of this event is quite different. Like identical twins raised in different cultures, the expressions of these works are products of their environment. The focus of this analysis is on Genesis (chapter 7) and Gilgamesh (lines 1 - 25). These two different passages will be analyzed to relate each document and how the author's worldview shapes his account of the flood. First we shall examine the background of text so that we might understand how the culture and society had an impact on the works. The story of Gilgamesh supposedly started to take form around the year 2500 B.C., but was not written down until about 1300 B.C. The epic was passed down and developed in oral form for approximately one thousand years. As a result, the story must have changed drastically from the original, until it was finally written down on Sumerian clay tablets. The Old Testament of the Bible, which includes the Book of Genesis, was also passed down through oral tradition before the Hebrews wrote it down from 1000-300 B.C. Both of these documents express the religious attitudes of these people as their story of the creation of the world and of humankind unfolds. So let's look at how these two selected passages allude to the nature of the works as they each give account of the great flood that kills all of mankind. The author of Gilgamesh portrays ... ...a "stupor of despair went up to heaven" and "even the gods were terrified and the flood, they fled to the highest heaven." This apparently shows that the society in which Gilgamesh was written had little faith in the ability of the gods to control their anger or their own powers. It is this lack of faith, which contributes to the morose undertones of this epic. Through analyzing passages from both works, one can see how the author's environment and worldview has helped to shape the style and mood of each text. Both texts share a common event although told through different cultures. Even more, the unique perspectives of this tale help to develop the whole ambience of each document. Eac author unknowingly leaks valuable insight about his time and culture into his account to be locked in time for thousands of years. Now that's something real special. Â  

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

the hatchet Essay -- essays research papers

This book is about a boy named Brian Roberson who gets stuck in the wilderness when his plane crash-lands because the pilot has a heart attack. It all started when Brian's parents had a divorce. He was sent away on a plane by his mother because it was summertime when his dad had custody. The parting gift his mother gave him was a hatchet. He wore the hatchet on a belt. When he left on the private little Cessna 406 plane in the copilot's seat he never could imagine how this little trip would change his life. In the airplane he thought a lot about his parents and the secret he kept. The secret was that he knew that his mom was having an affair with another man when she was still married to his father. Brian was thinking this until the pilot interrupted his thoughts and asked him if he has ever been in a copilot's seat before. He answered by saying that he has never been on an airplane. The pilot showed Brian how to fly the airplane by letting him fly for a ! while. A little after Brian finished he was thinking again about his parents when he noticed that the pilot was rubbing his shoulder and jaw. A few minutes later the pilot said to Brian that he was in a lot of pain and he started using the radio to signal for help. He didn't make it long enough to talk and had a massive heart attack. When he had the heart attack he hit the right rudder making the plane swoop right. Brian could not believe what happened. He had an idea to use the radio. But just before the radio transmissi...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Alibrandi Dairy Entry Essay

I am writing for a number of reasons, As your father I feel really guilty for not being there for you and your mother for so long but If there is one message I would want you to hold in your heart always it is this you are loved unconditionally. that my love for you is not decided based on how you act, what you say or what happens on any given day. There are no conditions and the love is given freely to you Jose. I had never thought about what it would really feel like to have a child? To watch them grow and learn the ways of the world. I am often in awe at their wonder, their pure joy in the magic of life. But all at the same time I hurt when I see you Jose. But I know that you must experience life not just the small bits all of it, even the pain and the hurt it can bring. Although you and I have been in each others life for almost a year I want you to know, every day I see you becoming more and more yourself. I thank your mother for the hard work she has put into you because it must have been hard on her raising you own her own but I see that I have nothing to worry about because your Mother has raised an independent young woman, and I congratulate you on finishing your HSC and starting university, and I see the confident, strong individual I want to help you become. More than anything, that is my job as your father, to give you the guidance, support, freedom, and love to be who you are and who you want to be. It isn’t always easy, and I’m not always good at it. I get frustrated more than I wish I did. I yell more than I wish I did. When we butt heads, it is because I see my own insecurities reflected in yours like when you called me from school because you hit another girls nose with a book. Your mother and I want you to see the world stretched out before you, want you to see all the possibilities and potentialities and not be afraid of them, want to you be excited by your own abilities to shape your worlds, to change your futures, to make things right and better and beautiful. Jose if there is one thing I am thankful for it is you, Jose it hasn’t even been a year and yet and you have shown me what others long and search for many years, and that is love before I thought I had everything I had a great job, car and girlfriend but I always felt something was missing and you have shown me what I was missing. You are young and is still growing, and you are powerful. Know this, in your hearts, if nothing else. Even when you doubt it, or are scared or unsure, you are amazing, and you are never alone. Just as you are exploring and learning and making mistakes, so am I, as your father. But as your father, I am also doing all I can to make sure that you know that all of that is okay. And you, my Jose, my amazing Jose, are becoming who you are meant to be. I will help when I can, and get out of the way when I need to. But I will always, always be here, watching, amazed at who you are becoming. And if there is anything you need I am only a phone call away.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Research Topic Essay

In selection of the research topic which is the first step of research project the researcher needs to be aware of what is going to be searched. Without being clear about research it is difficult to plan the process which needs long time and effort. a. Attributes of a good research topic Research topic can be selected according to the data collected or the data can be collected according to the topic selected based on the preferences of the researcher. Alternatively, some topics can be based on an organization-based piece of applied research, whilst some can be within the subject matter of a course or program. The researcher must be capable, eager and he must have the enough time and finance to do the research. The reality that most research projects are undertaken over at least a six-month period shows that deciding the topic needs careful evaluation. Capability also means researcher must be reasonably certain of gaining access to any data that might be needed to be collected. For m ost topics it is important that the issues within the research are capable of being linked to theory. Most project tutors will argue that one of the attributes of a good topic is clearly defined research questions and objectives. The process of formulating and clarifying your research topic is the most important part of your research topic. Attributes of a research topic do not vary a great deal between universities. The most important of these is that your research topic will meet the requirements of the examining body In selection of the research topic which is the first step of research project the researcher needs to be aware of what is going to be searched. Without being clear about research it is difficult to plan the process which needs long time and effort. a. Attributes of a good research topic Research topic can be selected according to the data collected or the data can be collected according to the topic selected based on the preferences of the researcher. Alternatively, some topics can be based on an organization-based piece of applied research, whilst some can be within the subject matter of a course or program. The researcher must be capable, eager and he must have the enough time and finance to do the research. The reality that most research projects are undertaken over at least a six-month period shows that deciding the topic needs careful evaluation. Capability also means researcher must be reasonably certain of gaining access to any data that  might be needed to be collected. Fo r most topics it is important that the issues within the research are capable of being linked to theory. Most project tutors will argue that one of the attributes of a good topic is clearly defined research questions and objectives. The process of formulating and clarifying your research topic is the most important part of your research topic. Attributes of a research topic do not vary a great deal between universities. The most important of these is that your research topic will meet the requirements of the examining body. In selection of the research topic which is the first step of research project the researcher needs to be aware of what is going to be searched. Without being clear about research it is difficult to plan the process which needs long time and effort. a. Attributes of a good research topic Research topic can be selected according to the data collected or the data can be collected according to the topic selected based on the preferences of the researcher. Alternatively, some topics can be based on an organization-based piece of applied research, whilst some can be within the subject matter of a course or program. The researcher must be capable, eager and he must have the enough time and finance to do the research. The reality that most research projects are undertaken over at least a six-month period shows that deciding the topic needs careful evaluation. Capability also means researcher must be reasonably certain of gaining access to any data that might be needed to be collected. For m ost topics it is important that the issues within the research are capable of being linked to theory. Most project tutors will argue that one of the attributes of a good topic is clearly defined research questions and objectives. The process of formulating and clarifying your research topic is the most important part of your research topic. Attributes of a research topic do not vary a great deal between universities. The most important of these is that your research topic will meet the requirements of the examining body

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Types and Symptoms

Albinism is a genetic anomaly characterized by little or no pigment in their eyes, skin, or hair.   Not specific to race or ethnicity, it can affect African-Americans, Hispanics, and Asians as much as it does whites. More exactly, albinism is an autosomal recessive trait where melanocytes have diminished or restricted ability to produce melanin—the substance responsible for skin, hair and eye color.Phenotypically, albinism is relatively rare: one person in 17,000 in the U.S.A. is affected. In fact, most children with albinism are born to parents with normal hair and eye color. In some Scandinavian countries, however, it is difficult to tell if a child has albinism because fair hair and eyes are the norm.   A common myth is that by definition people with albinism have red eyes. In fact there are different types of albinism, and the amount of pigment in the eyes varies.The National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation dispels many myths and legends in popular cultu re, â€Å"Although some individuals with albinism have reddish or violet eyes, most have blue eyes. Some have hazel or brown eyes.People with albinism always have problems with vision, and many have low vision. Many are â€Å"legally blind,† but most use their vision for reading, and do not use braille. Some have vision good enough to drive a car.   Vision problems in albinism result from abnormal development of the retina and abnormal patterns of nerve connections between the eye and the brain. It is the presence of these eye problems that defines the diagnosis of albinism.Therefore the main test for albinism is simply an eye exam.   While most people with albinism have very light skin and hair, not all do. Oculocutaneous albinism involves the eyes, hair, and skin. Ocular albinism involves primarily the eyes, while skin and hair may appear similar or slightly lighter than that of other family members.Over the years researchers have used various systems for classifying o culocutaneous albinism. In general, these systems contrasted types of albinism having almost no pigmentation with types having slight pigmentation. In less pigmented types of albinism, hair and skin are cream-colored, and vision is often in the range of 20/200. In types with slight pigmentation, hair appears more yellow or red-tinged, and vision often corrects to 20/60.Early descriptions of albinism called these main categories of albinism â€Å"complete† and â€Å"incomplete† albinism. Later researchers used a test that involved plucking a hair root, and seeing if it would make pigment in a test tube. This test separated â€Å"ty-neg† (no pigment) from â€Å"ty-pos† (some pigment). Further research showed that this test was inconsistent, and added little information to the clinical exam.†

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Explain why dreams and plans are so important in ‘Of Mice and Men’ Essay

George and Lennie are examples of ‘migrant’ or ‘itinerant’ farm workers who fuelled and made possible the intensive farming economy. These men would travel great distances, however they could, often by foot, or by the empty boxcars that were later used to carry the grain they helped to farm. They would receive $2.50 – $3.00 a day, plus board, which meant food and a room. The food would be very basic, the room sometimes not more than a small tent shared with many other workers. Conditions did improve for migrant farm workers at the start of the First World War, because of the industrial action in the USA at that time forced an increase in wages and therefore an increase in the price of grain. But at the time John Steinbeck wrote ‘Of Mice and Men’, advances in technology were rendering many of the farm workers obsolete, because of the improvements in industry and machinery. Before machinery came onto the farm, the mule driver was at the top of the social tree on the ranch, because of his high skills. Slim was this figure in ‘Of Mice and Men’, and he probably commanded a high wage compared to the other ranch workers. The key dream throughout ‘Of Mice and Men’ is the dream that George and Lennie gradually show us. This was the dream of most workers in all of the USA, and George, Lennie, Candy, and all the other workers on the farm all have the same dream, to own a smallholding or a small farm. Such an acquisition would mean that they would be their own boss, and make a basic but good living from their own work, instead of having nothing to show for a lifetime of hard work. America was first populated by people who came from nearly every country of the world, believing that they could escape and find their dreams in the new country where they believed there was no persecution or hatred. Others saw it as an escape from hard poverty or starvation. The American dream was focused on the fact that it represented a dream of wealth and success, and allowed men and women to have a fresh start in another country that they could build themselves. This dream survived until the late 1920’s, when the Wall Street Crash caused the Great Depression to start, and people learned that there was no more land to be bought and farmed. All the intensive farming over the years had caused the ‘dustbowl’, and many people who had borrowed money to build the farms in the dustbowl, could not now repay the money, because of the wasted land, with no farming value. The dream that George and Lennie had was becoming history. The dream of their freedom and independence was doomed right from the start of the novel. When Lennie is being pursued at the end of the book, George recites the dream to Lennie, before he shoots him. Lennie dies at George’s hands, and the dream is just as doomed as Lennie. Lennie, George, Candy and temporarily Crooks all are shown to have the dream of a small farm. It is the dream that was shared by hundreds of ranch hands at the time. The title for the book ‘Of Mice and Men’ by John Steinbeck was taken from the poem by the Scottish poet, Robert Burns. In the poem, Burns writes; The best laid schemes o’ mice and men Gang aft agley And leave us nought but grief and pain For promised joy! ‘Gang aft agley’ means that things ‘often go wrong’ George and Lennie’s dream of owning a small farm does go wrong in the end, even though it looked at one point as if it might work, when Candy joins the idea, and puts forward all his savings. But it just leaves pain and grief instead of joy. What Burns and Steinbeck are both saying is that we can lay our plans carefully, but something will always go wrong. This doesn’t mean that we should stop dreaming, and laying our plans, even though the likelihood of them succeeding is small, we still need those dreams and plans to keep us working and to keep us trying to be better, do better, earn better and have a better quality of living. The idea of mice is also a potent one, because even though Lennie is very large, he is still moved by something even bigger and stronger, in the shape of fate and destiny. Lennie is controlled by George in the same way, even though George is far smaller than Lennie is. The idea of mice is also potent because of the burrowing that mice do to make their nests, only to leave them later, not to return. The same is true for all migrant workers, constantly working to get their own farm, only to have their dreams shattered. They also move on to other places all the time, leaving their ‘burrows’ to move on. This is particularly true with George and Lennie, because of Lennie’s actions throughout the book. The dream is never realised, but much good has come from the dreaming. Each of the characters has their own personal dreams: * George has the dream of owning the farm, and therefore is much more responsible with his money. He shows this in the novel when he is appalled when Lennie drinks ‘scummy’ water at the start of the novel, and does not like the thought that there may be lice in his mattress from the previous inhabitant. But sometimes you also think that he temporarily hates Lennie for the burden caused, and that he wishes that he could be alone to be less responsible for someone who thinks like a child, being an adult. George says,’ God a’ mighty, if I was alone I could live so easy.’ when he is in one of his rages with Lennie. He also seems to think badly of some people and he wishes to hurt them to stop them hurting Lennie, for example, Curley, when he says to Lennie to ‘get’ Curley, and you almost sense joy in his voice. * Lennie is a strange character when it comes to dreams, because the dream of owning a small farm is all that he really remembers. But he also wants to please George very badly, because George is his companion and friend. George describes at one point that he used to tell Lennie to do really stupid things, and then he was forced to realise that Lennie would do anything he said, and could be hurt or killed by his actions. Lennie is also a very clever character, because he plays with George’s conscience, shown by the incident of the mouse being taken by George at the start of the book, first showing Lennie as a simpleton. * Candy dreams of having back his right hand, and being able to have a better job. He is chained to this ranch, because he would not get a job anywhere else. He has lost all control of his life to other people, stronger, younger people, all highlighted by the incident with Candy’s Dog. He dreams of a small farm, and when he hears that George and Lennie are trying for it, he joins them, and tells them that he will give all his life’s savings to have his own land for the rest of his life, and then lose it at the end, but still to have had something to show for all the years of work. * Crooks dreams of freedom. He is a black man, in a white land, where the black people are treated as slaves. The hierarchy is shown in the incident with Curley’s wife, when she says,’ You know what I can do to you if you open your trap?’ He is also crippled, which means that he is even lower in the social hierarchy. But on the ranch, he is seen as a ‘Nice fella’ by Candy, and he is not really looked down upon by most of the characters. On the ranch he is given his own room, be it small and smelly, and he is given respect. He is very intelligent, but he has never had any opportunity to do well in his life. It is in him that we first see that the dream is impossible to really achieve. * Curley’s Wife is seen upon as dangerous by the other ranch workers because she is married to the son of the Boss, and is also married to Curley, who takes every opportunity to have a fight. Curley’s wife is very flirtatious, and has dreamed for many years of being a singer and actress, but never made it. She married the first man who came along and chose badly, and is not really treated as a person by Curley. He is very sexually orientated, as is revealed by the glove of Vaseline he wears, to keep his hands smooth. But had fate dealt her a different hand, and had she married a man who treated her as a person, she would have been a good and loving wife. She is shied away from by all the other ranch hands, but Lennie is too innocent to recognise the danger. All the characters have dreams of their own, as all people do, but in the novel, these are revealed to us. All the dreams of all the people shape the whole book, causing it to become a real story of the ranches, not just a story of a mad man and his clever friend.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Deafness Disability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Deafness Disability - Essay Example While the mother of great inventor, Alexander Graham Bell was hard of hearing sine her birth, he used his earned funds to develop a school, called Volta Bureau, to teach deaf children. He also pursued actively the occupation of a deaf educator during late 1800s. People have used Different terminologies to define disability related with hearing impairments. For example, ‘deafened’ means the person who has acquired deafness later in life. While, ‘hearing impairment’ is a medical term, ‘hard of hearing’ is a sociological term. ‘Signing deaf’ is a term for deaf people who communicate using sign language.(Terminology, nd) Before describing this disability, it is essential to mention the difference between deafness and hearing impairment. While common sense provides the definition of being deaf as not being able to hear anything, the hearing impairment or hard of hearing means the ability to hear only partially. However, the fact that deaf people carry the residual hearing ability gives a new dimension to this definition. Accordingly, the physiological definition of deafness relates to the level of sound that the particular person is able to hear. This hearing sensitivity is normally described in terms of ‘decibels’ (dB). This level of sensitivity starts with zero as the perfect detection of an average person to hair faintest sound. The numbers above the zero level indicate the degree of hearing impairment. According to physiological intervention, people with hearing impairment of 90dB or above are considered as deaf and people with less than 90db hearing sensitivity level are considered ‘hard of hearing’. However, there is yet another viewpoint that relates the degree of hearing impairment with the impact it may have on speaking and developing a language, particularly in case of children. Accordingly, educators define a person as deaf who is not able to process, through audition, the linguistic information,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

What factors explain the growth and interest in heritage tourism Essay

What factors explain the growth and interest in heritage tourism - Essay Example Accordingly, tourism associations have increased their efforts in conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems in order to foster natural heritage tourism (Anheier 2010). Conservation efforts have extended to cultural values and improvement of transport and communication infrastructure to historical sites and heritage areas (Staiff, Bushell & Watson 2013). At the same time, governments have increased their promotional and advertising campaigns on heritage tourism through publishing documentaries on heritage sites and historical development of various tourism attraction sites (Bushell & Eagles 2006). Most of the governments have increased conservation efforts of ecosystems such as coastal areas that include marine parks and wilderness areas that include rivers, lakes and forests (Anheier 2010). In addition, tourists have gained interest with tours in rural areas such as countryside retreats and small islands that offer mangroves, coral reefs, and sea grass beds. Technological changes T he recent advancements in technology have led to exploration of several heritage sites and discovery of rare species in the world (Misiura 2012). Accordingly, technological advancements have led to development of modern transportation methods that are suitable for heritage tourism. For instance, super ferries and cruise ships enable tourists to visit small islands in deep seas. Budget airlines like Ryanair and EasyJet have brought down the travelling costs to the historical and heritage sites thus increasing the tourist volumes. In addition, online booking and computerized reservation systems create convenience for the heritage tourists. Growth in income levels...Accordingly, there is considerable growth in the number of museums, art galleries and theaters that create high demand for heritage tourism. Emergence in heritage tourism partnerships The growth and interest in heritage tourism has been facilitated by growth in partnerships in tourism initiatives that aim at preserving heri tage assets and enabling tourists have a ‘passport package’ that allows them to visit various heritage sites such as museums, art galleries and historical sites. Accordingly, the partnerships have packaged both non-heritage and heritage tourism packages together through enabling tourism access bus tours, sports, resorts and amusement parks and enjoy the cultural heritage tourism in the historical sites and museums. Increase in cultural tourism and heritage education Increase in historical education, cultural heritage awareness and archeological studies have contribute to the growth and interest in tourism education. Colleges and Universities have established courses on heritage tourism and need to understand cultural diversity (Timothy 2011). Accordingly, heritage tourists are highly educated and broadly travelled across the globe thus heritage tourism offers unique tourism experience (Morgan & Pritchard 1998). The increase in the number of aged citizens has led to increase in interest in heritage tourism. The aged populations require more leisure and time to reflect on the historical happenings through visiting the art galleries and museums .

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Panic, Choke and Learn Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Panic, Choke and Learn - Essay Example Evaluators are likely to dismiss or assign scores based on their liking. Third, the success rate of the test is extremely low which raises eye-brows. If only 20% are likely to pass the test then it seems like its serving a totally different purpose other than the intended. 50% success rate would be reasoning enough if the tests were valid and reliable (Gatewood, et al., 2011). Based on the above highlighted problems reported on the selection program, a more motivating program that serves a relevant purpose should be adopted. First, the management team should devise and develop academic/mental interview questions and evaluation criteria that can assess employees on the electronic arena which is relevant to their job descriptions and not ask outrageous questions. To test for practical skills, the panel should ask the employees to perform some relevant operations using electronic equipment and replace the metal peg activity (Gatewood, et al., 2011). Also, much more transparency in the manner in which the procedure is undertaken should be enhanced such as openly printing out the results with the score criteria clearly elaborated. The union has valid arguments that can be backed up by the payment/compensation packages offered by the company. It can compare the kind of work the employees do with the remuneration. As reported, the company seeks to hire inexperienced workers so as to pay them as little as possible. Consequently, the confidentiality of the procedure is a point worth noting. The union can claim that the examinees’ results are tampered with since they are enclosed. Thirdly, the invalidity of the test questions is a strong argument to bring across as the activities asked to be performed are irrelevant with the nature of work. This is an indication that there is a hidden motive (Gatewood, et al., 2011). To ascertain that the aged worker was discriminated against, information about the eliminatory process in the program that sought to

Mastery of Course Objectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mastery of Course Objectives - Essay Example You can call me by various names viz. trainer, instructor, faculty member etc. I basically teach the apprentices who join us from time to time. I feel a sense of accomplishment when my students move from strength to strength. I would like to formalise this inclination for teaching. I want to join a college nearby as a clinical instructor. I want to take baby steps and reach the pinnacle of my field. I have a crucial role to play in leading them in their careers. I bring together nurses from diverse backgrounds, personal, and to some extent, educational, onto a single nursing platform. Being in the academic field, I can only be complete through further education. I want to enrol in doctorate programs which can give me the academic edge that others have over me. This would mean a steep learning curve, but I am prepared to go all the way to pursue my goal. Even the duration of my continued education is not an issue as long as I am the best in my field. Mastery of Program Objectives To b ecome a nurse educator, I need to know the objectives of the course that I have selected. I should understand the implication of each goal and how it can assist me in my career. I describe briefly below some of the important program objectives in the context of nurse education. In a traditional nursing setting, a faculty member is only expected to teach. However, this job goes beyond just teaching. It involves moulding the students and making them good nurses. It requires not only theoretical knowledge, but the practical implementation of theory. Moreover, research is required to take it to a higher level. I need to constantly update and upgrade my knowledge to succeed in this service oriented sector. I was under the impression that scholarship limits itself to research. â€Å"Boyer outlines four †¦ functions of scholarship †¦ discovery, integration, application and teaching† (Boyer Model of Scholarship). Discovery relates to the search of new information, whereas i ntegration is placing isolated facts in perspective. Application is putting knowledge into practice to serve the community and the campus. Finally, teaching is gaining mastery over knowledge and presenting it to others in an understandable form. I am also aware that education cannot be imparted in isolation. It needs to be linked to the practice of the field. As a member of the education committee in my ED department the ideas and strategies learned through this course were helpful in evaluating and revising our orientation program for our newly hired graduates. Hence, faculty scholarship activities can help bridge the gap between academic preparation and the implementation. I realise that I should chalk out my own path for improving teaching. So that students can learn better, I apply knowledge to various clinical settings to get a holistic view of the nursing practice. Hence, I further my career due to the varied experience that I can give to the graduates. At the same time I ensu re that I formalise it by continuing my own education in the nursing area. I keep myself abreast of the latest changes in nursing and nursing education. I diligently follow all journals and manuals in this field. I also plan to contribute to such publications. I ensure that all latest developments are taken up in class for the benefit of students. I also make my students inculcate the habit of regularly reading, discussing and putting to practice what they acquire from such publications.